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Metadata is a plain JavaScript object with properties used to contextualize or modify the execution of an action. The metadata properties are common to all Nikita actions.


Using metadata is as easy as passing one or multiple properties prefixed with $ when calling an action:

// Call an action with the `header` and `debug` metadata
  $header: 'Check user',  $debug: true,  command: 'whoami'

Alternatively, multiple metadata properties are passed inside the $$ object without the $ prefix:

// Call an action with the `header` and `debug` metadata
  $$: {    header: 'Check user',    debug: true,  },  command: 'whoami'

The metadata values are available inside the action handler under the metadata property of the first argument:

// Call an action
.call(({metadata}) => {
  // Print metadata

Available metadata properties

  • argument (boolean|number|string|null, read-only)
    Extracts the last argument which is not an object literal, interpreted as a configuration, nor a function, interpreted as a handler, nor an array, converted to multiple actions.
  • argument_to_config (string)
    Maps a string argument passed to the action call to a configuration property with a given name.
  • attempt (number, read-only, 0)
    Indicates the number of times an action has been rescheduled for execution when an error occurred.
  • debug (boolean, false)
    Prints detailed logs to the standard error output (stderr)
  • depth (number, read-only)
    Indicates the level number of the action in the Nikita session tree.
  • disabled (boolean, false)
    Disables the execution of the action and consequently the execution of its child actions.
  • global (string)
    Provides a solution to share configuration properties between a group of actions.
  • header (boolean, false)
    Title of an actions or of a group of actions.
  • index (number, read-only)
    Indicates the index of an action relative to its sibling actions in the Nikita session tree.
  • log (boolean|function)
    Dependending on its value, disables logging in an action or call a function every time the tools.log function is called.
  • module (string, read-only)
    Identifies the location of the Node.js module defining the action.
  • namespace (array, read-only)
    Identifies the Nikita action by the name in the form of a list of addressable properties in the order it was registered.
  • position (array, read-only)
    Indicates the position of the action relative to its parent and sibling action. It is unique to each action.
  • raw (boolean, false)
    An alias to define both the raw_input and the raw_output metadata properties.
  • raw_input (boolean, false)
    Enables preventing arguments passed to an action to move into the 'config' property. It is only used when registering an action and shall be considered as an advanced usage.
  • raw_output (boolean, false)
    Preserves the value returned by an action from modifications. Thus, the value returned inside the action handler is not altered.
  • relax (boolean|string|array|regexp, false)
    Makes an action tolerant to internal errors. It returns an error instead of throwing it.
  • retry (number|boolean, 1)
    Provides control over how many times an action is re-scheduled on error before it is finally treated as a failure.
  • shy (boolean, false)
    Disables modification of the parent action status depending on the child action status where shy is activated.
  • sleep (number, 3000)
    Indicates the time lapse when a failed action is rescheduled. It only affects if the retry metadata is set to a value greater than 1 and when the action failed and is rescheduled.
  • sudo (boolean)
    Escalates the rights of the current user with root privileges. Passwordless sudo for the user must be enabled.
  • templated (boolean)
    Enables or disables templating in configuration properties.
  • time_end (number, read-only)
    Stores the Unix timestamp at the time when the action finishes its execution.
  • time_start (number, read-only)
    Stores the Unix timestamp at the time when the action is executed.
  • uuid (string, read-only)
    Identifies a Nikita session. It is shared between all the child actions and contains a universally unique identifier (UUID) value in the RFC4122 format.
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