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Tool "events"

Nikita provides a facility to publish and listen to events. An instance of the Node.js EventEmitter class is exported and available under the property.

Events messages don't need to respect any particular structure unless you use an event name reserved internally by Nikita. No validation will occur.

Refers to the tools.log function for a more sophisticated mechanism, it internally relies on It provides context information to the event listener such as the module name where the event occurred, the logging level, etc.


You can publish events by calling the[, ...args]) function and subscribe to those events by registering listeners with the, listener) function. The following example demonstrates it:

nikita(({tools}) => {
  // Register a listener'whoami', (name) => {`I am ${name}`)
  // Emit an event'whoami', 'Nikita')
// Outputs with "I am Nikita"

Available events

Certain events are automatically emitted. They correspond to the action lifecycle and provide notifications on the internal state of the Nikita session:

  • nikita:action:start
    It is emitted right before an action handler execution.
  • nikita:action:end
    It is emitted after the action handler has completed, whether it failed or was successful.
  • nikita:resolved
    It is emitted once at a Nikita session when all action handlers have completed successfully.
  • nikita:rejected
    It is emitted once at a Nikita session when an action handler has failed.

Some functionality like logging and debugging introduces their own events:

  • diff
    Content modification. It is emitted by the file action.
  • stderr
    Data string written to standard error when executing a command. It is emitted by the nikita.execute action to store the stderr output from the executed command.
  • stderr_stream
    Datastream written to standard error. It is emitted by the nikita.execute to listen to stderr. A message null is emitted to indicate that the stream is closed.
  • stdin
    Executed command. It is emitted by the nikita.execute action to share the executed command.
  • stdout
    Data string written to standard output when executing a command. It is emitted by the nikita.execute action to store the stdout output from the executed command.
  • stdout_stream
    Datastream written to standard output. It is emitted by the nikita.execute to listen to stdout. A message null is emitted to indicate that the stream is closed.
  • text
    Default event when the tools.log() function is called.
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Nikita is an open source project hosted on GitHub and developed by Adaltas.