Action "file.types.hfile"
HFile is an XML format used accros Hadoop components which contains keys and value properties.
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Read the target if it exists and merge its content, optional.
type: ['object', 'string']
description: '''
Default configuration properties or the path to a default
configuration file to get initial value from, optional.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Configuration file where to write, required.
type: 'object'
description: '''
Configuration properties to write, required.
oneOf: [{typeof: 'function'}, {type: 'null'}]
default: null
description: '''
User defined function used to transform properties.
# File configuration properties
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/backup'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/backup_mode'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/eof'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/encoding'
default: 'utf8'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/uid'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/gid'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/mode'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/local'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/file/src/index#/definitions/config/properties/unlink'
handler = ({config, tools: {log}}) ->
fnl_props = {}
org_props = {}
# Read target properties
log message: "Read target properties from '#{}'", level: 'DEBUG', module: '@nikita/file/lib/types/hfile'
# Populate org_props and, if merge, fnl_props
{data} = await @fs.base.readFile
encoding: config.encoding
org_props = parse data
if config.merge
fnl_props = {}
for k, v of org_props then fnl_props[k] = v
catch err
throw err unless err.code is 'NIKITA_FS_CRS_TARGET_ENOENT'
# Read source properties
if config.source and typeof config.source is 'string'
log message: "Read source properties from #{config.source}", level: 'DEBUG', module: '@nikita/file/lib/types/hfile'
# Populate config.source
{data} = await @fs.base.readFile
$ssh: false if config.local
encoding: config.encoding
config.source = parse data
# Merge source properties
if config.source
# Note, source properties overwrite current ones by source, not sure
# if this is the safest approach
log message: "Merge source properties", level: 'DEBUG', module: '@nikita/file/lib/types/hfile'
for k, v of config.source
v = "#{v}" if typeof v is 'number'
fnl_props[k] = v if fnl_props[k] is undefined or fnl_props[k] is null
# Merge user properties
log message: "Merge user properties", level: 'DEBUG', module: '@nikita/file/lib/types/hfile'
for k, v of
v = "#{v}" if typeof v is 'number'
unless v?
delete fnl_props[k]
else if Array.isArray v
fnl_props[k] = v.join ','
else if typeof v isnt 'string'
throw Error "Invalid value type '#{typeof v}' for property '#{k}'"
else fnl_props[k] = v
# Apply transformation
fnl_props = config.transform fnl_props if config.transform
# Final merge
keys = {}
for k in Object.keys(org_props) then keys[k] = true
for k in Object.keys(fnl_props) then keys[k] = true unless keys[k]?
keys = Object.keys keys
for k in keys
continue unless org_props[k] isnt fnl_props[k]
log message: "Property '#{k}' was '#{org_props[k]}' and is now '#{fnl_props[k]}'", level: 'WARN', module: '@nikita/file/lib/types/hfile'
await @file
content: stringify fnl_props
source: undefined
backup: config.backup
backup_mode: config.backup_mode
eof: config.eof
encoding: config.encoding
uid: config.uid
gid: config.gid
mode: config.mode
local: config.local
unlink: config.unlink
module.exports =
handler: handler
definitions: definitions
parse(xml, [property])
Parse an xml document and retrieve one or multiple properties.
Retrieve all properties: properties = parse(xml)
Retrieve a property: value = parse(xml, property)
parse = (markup, property) ->
properties = {}
doc = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString markup
for propertyChild in doc.documentElement.childNodes
continue unless propertyChild.tagName?.toUpperCase() is 'PROPERTY'
name = value = undefined
for child in propertyChild.childNodes
if child.tagName?.toUpperCase() is 'NAME'
name = child.childNodes[0].nodeValue
if child.tagName?.toUpperCase() is 'VALUE'
value = child.childNodes[0]?.nodeValue or ''
return value if property and name is property and value?
properties[name] = value if name and value?
return properties
Convert a property object into a valid Hadoop XML markup. Properties are ordered by name.
Convert an object into a string:
markup = stringify({
'fs.defaultFS': 'hdfs://namenode:8020'
Convert an array into a string:
name: 'fs.defaultFS', value: 'hdfs://namenode:8020'
stringify = (properties) ->
markup = builder.create 'configuration', version: '1.0', encoding: 'UTF-8'
if Array.isArray properties
properties.sort (el1, el2) -> >
for {name, value} in properties
property = markup.ele 'property'
property.ele 'name', name
property.ele 'value', value
ks = Object.keys properties
for k in ks
property = markup.ele 'property'
property.ele 'name', k
property.ele 'value', properties[k]
markup.end pretty: true
xmldom = require 'xmldom'
builder = require 'xmlbuilder'