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Action ""

Download files using various protocols.

In local mode (with an SSH connection), the http protocol is handled with the "request" module when executed locally, the ftp protocol is handled with the "jsftp" and the file protocol is handle with the native fs module.

The behavior of download may be confusing wether you are running over SSH or not. Its philosophy mostly rely on the target point of view. When download run, the target is local, compared to the upload function where target is remote.

A checksum may provided with the option "sha256", "sha1" or "md5" to validate the uploaded file signature.

Caching is active if "cache_dir" or "cache_file" are defined to anything but false. If cache_dir is not a string, default value is './' If cache_file is not a string, default is source basename.

Nikita resolve the path from "cache_dir" to "cache_file", so if cache_file is an absolute path, "cache_dir" will be ignored

If no cache is used, signature validation is only active if a checksum is provided.

If cache is used, signature validation is always active, and md5sum is automatically calculated if neither sha256, sh1 nor md5 is provided.


  • $status (boolean)
    Value is "true" if file was downloaded.

File example

const {$status} = await{
  source: 'file://path/to/something',
  target: 'node-sigar.tgz'
})`File downloaded: ${$status}`)

HTTP example

const {$status} = await{
  source: '',
  target: 'node-sigar.tgz'
})`File downloaded: ${$status}`)


It would be nice to support alternatives sources such as FTP(S) or SFTP.


on_action = ({config, tools: {find}}) ->
  config.cache = await find ({config: {cache}}) -> cache
  config.cache_file = await find ({config: {cache_file}}) -> cache_file
  config.cache_dir = await find ({config: {cache_dir}}) -> cache_dir
  config.source = config.source.substr 7 if /^file:\/\//.test config.source

Schema definitions

definitions =
    type: 'object'
        type: 'boolean'
        description: '''
        Activate the cache, default to true if either "cache_dir" or
        "cache_file" is activated.
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Path of the cache directory.
        type: ['boolean', 'string']
        description: '''
        Cache the file on the executing machine, equivalent to cache unless an
        ssh connection is provided. If a string is provided, it will be the
        cache path. By default: basename of source
        type: 'array', items: type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Extra cookies  to include in the request when sending HTTP to a
        type: 'boolean'
        description: '''
        Overwrite the target file if it exists.
        type: 'boolean'
        description: '''
        Force cache overwrite if it exists
        $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/fs/chown#/definitions/config/properties/gid'
        type: 'array', items: type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Extra header to include in the request when sending HTTP to a server.
        type: 'boolean'
        description: '''
        If the server reports that the requested page has moved to a different
        location (indicated with a Location: header and a 3XX response code),
        this option will make curl redo the request on the new place.
        default: false
        type: ['boolean', 'string']
        description: '''
        Validate uploaded file with md5 checksum (only for binary upload for
        now), may be the string checksum or will be deduced from source if
        $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/fs/chmod#/definitions/config/properties/mode'
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Use the specified HTTP proxy. If the port number is not specified, it
        is assumed at port 1080. See curl(1) man page.
        default: false
        type: ['boolean', 'string']
        description: '''
        Validate uploaded file with sha1 checksum (only for binary upload for
        now), may be the string checksum or will be deduced from source if
        default: false
        type: ['boolean', 'string']
        description: '''
        Validate uploaded file with sha1 checksum (only for binary upload for
        now), may be the string checksum or will be deduced from source if
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        File, HTTP URL, GIT repository. File is the default protocol if source
        is provided without any.
          type: 'string'
          typeof: 'function'
        description: '''
        File path where to write content to. Pass the content.
        $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/fs/chown#/definitions/config/properties/uid'
    required: ['target', 'source']


handler = ({config, ssh, tools: {log, path}}) ->
  if config.md5?
    throw Error "Invalid MD5 Hash:#{config.md5}" unless typeof config.md5 in ['string', 'boolean']
    algo = 'md5'
    source_hash = config.md5
  else if config.sha1?
    throw Error "Invalid SHA-1 Hash:#{config.sha1}" unless typeof config.sha1 in ['string', 'boolean']
    algo = 'sha1'
    source_hash = config.sha1
  else if config.sha256?
    throw Error "Invalid SHA-256 Hash:#{config.sha256}" unless typeof config.sha256 in ['string', 'boolean']
    algo = 'sha256'
    source_hash = config.sha256
    algo = 'md5'
  protocols_http = ['http:', 'https:']
  protocols_ftp = ['ftp:', 'ftps:']
  log message: "Using force: #{JSON.stringify config.force}", level: 'DEBUG' if config.force
  source_url = url.parse config.source
  match = null
  # Disable caching if source is a local file and cache isnt explicitly set by user
  config.cache = false if not config.cache? and source_url.protocol is null
  config.cache ?= !!(config.cache_dir or config.cache_file)
  config.http_headers ?= []
  config.cookies ?= []
  # Normalization = if config.cwd then path.resolve config.cwd, else path.normalize
  throw Error "Non Absolute Path: target is #{JSON.stringify}, SSH requires absolute paths, you must provide an absolute path in the target or the cwd option" if ssh and not path.isAbsolute
  # Shortcircuit accelerator:
  # If we know the source signature and if the target file exists
  # we compare it with the target file signature and stop if they match
  if typeof source_hash is 'string'
    {shortcircuit} = await @call $shy: true, ->
      log message: "Shortcircuit check if provided hash match target", level: 'WARN'
        {hash} = await @fs.hash, algo: algo
        shortcircuit: !source_hash is hash
      catch err
        throw err if err.code isnt 'NIKITA_FS_STAT_TARGET_ENOENT'
        shortcircuit: false
    return true if shortcircuit
    log message: "Destination with valid signature, download aborted", level: 'INFO'
  # Download the file and place it inside local cache
  # Overwrite the config.source and source_url properties to make them
  # look like a local file instead of an HTTP URL
  if config.cache
    await @file.cache
      # Local file must be readable by the current process
      $ssh: false
      $sudo: false
      source: config.source
      cache_dir: config.cache_dir
      cache_file: config.cache_file
      http_headers: config.http_headers
      cookies: config.cookies
      md5: config.md5
      proxy: config.proxy
      location: config.location
    source_url = url.parse config.source
  # TODO
  # The current implementation seems inefficient. By modifying stageDestination,
  # we download the file, check the hash, and again treat it the HTTP URL
  # as a local file and check hash again.
    {stats} = await @fs.base.stat
    if utils.stats.isDirectory stats?.mode
      log message: "Destination is a directory", level: 'DEBUG' = path.join, path.basename config.source
  catch err
    throw err if err.code isnt 'NIKITA_FS_STAT_TARGET_ENOENT'
  stageDestination = "#{}.#{}#{Math.round(Math.random()*1000)}"
  if source_url.protocol in protocols_http
    log message: "HTTP Download", level: 'DEBUG'
    log message: "Download file from url using curl", level: 'INFO'
    # Ensure target directory exists
    await @fs.mkdir
      $shy: true
      target: path.dirname stageDestination
    # Download the file
    await @execute
      $shy: true
      command: [
        '--fail' if
        '--insecure' if source_url.protocol is 'https:'
        '--location' if config.location
        ...("--header '#{header.replace '\'', '\\\''}'" for header in config.http_headers)
        ...("--cookie '#{cookie.replace '\'', '\\\''}'" for cookie in config.cookies)
        "-s #{config.source}"
        "-o #{stageDestination}"
        "-x #{config.proxy}" if config.proxy
      ].join ' '
    hash_source = hash_target = null
    {hash} = await @fs.hash stageDestination, algo: algo
    # Hash validation
    # Probably not the best to check hash, it only applies to HTTP for now
    throw Error "Invalid downloaded checksum, found '#{hash}' instead of '#{source_hash}'" if typeof source_hash is 'string' and source_hash isnt hash
    hash_source = hash
    {exists} = await @fs.base.exists target:
    if exists
      {hash} = await @fs.hash target:, algo: algo
      hash_target = hash
    match = hash_source is hash_target
    log if match
    then message: "Hash matches as '#{hash_source}'", level: 'INFO', module: 'nikita/lib/file/download'
    else message: "Hash dont match, source is '#{hash_source}' and target is '#{hash_target}'", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/lib/file/download'
    if match
      await @fs.remove
        $shy: true
        target: stageDestination
  else if source_url.protocol not in protocols_http and not ssh
    log message: "File Download without ssh (#{if config.cache then 'with' else 'no'} cache)", level: 'DEBUG'
    hash_source = hash_target = null
    {hash} = await @fs.hash target: config.source, algo: algo
    hash_source = hash
    {exists} = await @fs.base.exists target:
    if exists
      {hash} = await @fs.hash target:, algo: algo
      hash_target = hash
    match = hash_source is hash_target
    log if match
    then message: "Hash matches as '#{hash_source}'", level: 'INFO', module: 'nikita/lib/file/download'
    else message: "Hash dont match, source is '#{hash_source}' and target is '#{hash_target}'", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/lib/file/download'
    unless match
      await @fs.mkdir
        $shy: true
        target: path.dirname stageDestination
      await @fs.copy
        source: config.source
        target: stageDestination
  else if source_url.protocol not in protocols_http and ssh
    log message: "File Download with ssh (#{if config.cache then 'with' else 'no'} cache)", level: 'DEBUG'
    hash_source = hash_target = null
    {hash} = await @fs.hash
      $ssh: false
      $sudo: false
      target: config.source
      algo: algo
    hash_source = hash
    {exists} = await @fs.base.exists target:
    if exists
      {hash} = await @fs.hash target:, algo: algo
      hash_target = hash
    match = hash_source is hash_target
    log if match
    then message: "Hash matches as '#{hash_source}'", level: 'INFO', module: 'nikita/lib/file/download'
    else message: "Hash dont match, source is '#{hash_source}' and target is '#{hash_target}'", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/lib/file/download'
    unless match
      await @fs.mkdir
        $shy: true
        target: path.dirname stageDestination
        await @fs.base.createWriteStream
          target: stageDestination
          stream: (ws) ->
            rs = fs.createReadStream config.source
            rs.pipe ws
        log message: "Downloaded local source #{JSON.stringify config.source} to remote target #{JSON.stringify stageDestination}", level: 'INFO'
      catch err
        log message: "Downloaded local source #{JSON.stringify config.source} to remote target #{JSON.stringify stageDestination} failed", level: 'ERROR'
        throw err
  log message: "Unstage downloaded file", level: 'DEBUG'
  unless match
    await @fs.move
      source: stageDestination
  if config.mode
    await @fs.chmod
      mode: config.mode
  if config.uid or config.gid
    await @fs.chown
      uid: config.uid
      gid: config.gid


module.exports =
  handler: handler
    on_action: on_action
    definitions: definitions

Module Dependencies

fs = require 'fs'
path = require('path').posix # need to detect ssh connection
url = require 'url'
utils = require './utils'
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