Action "file"
Write a file or a portion of an existing file.
Indicate file modifications.
Implementation details
Internally, this function uses the "chmod" and "chown" function and, thus, honor all their options including "mode", "uid" and "gid".
Diff Lines
Diff can be obtained when the options "diff" is set to true or a function. The information is provided in two ways:
- when
, a formated string written to the "stdout" option. - when a function, a readable diff and the array returned by the function
, see the diffLines package for additionnal information.
More about the append
The append
option allows more advanced usages. If append
is null
, it will
add the value of the "replace" option at the end of the file when no match
is found and when the value is a string.
Using the append
option conjointly with the match
and replace
options gets
even more interesting. If append is a string or a regular expression, it will
place the value of the "replace" option just after the match. Internally, a
string value will be converted to a regular expression. For example the string
"test" will end up converted to the regular expression /test/mg
Replacing part of a file using from and to markers
const {data} = await nikita
content: 'Start\n# from\nlets try to replace that one\n# to\nEnd',
from: '# from\n',
to: '# to',
replace: 'New string\n',
target: `${scratch}/a_file`
target: `${scratch}/a_file`,
encoding: 'ascii'
// Start\n# from\nNew string\n# to\nEnd
Replacing a matched line by a string
const {data} = await nikita
content: 'email=david(at)adaltas(dot)com\nusername=root',
match: /(username)=(.*)/,
replace: '$1=david (was $2)',
target: `${scratch}/a_file`
target: `${scratch}/a_file`,
encoding: 'ascii'
// email=david(at)adaltas(dot)com\nusername=david (was root)
Replacing part of a file using a regular expression
const {data} = await nikita
content: 'Start\nlets try to replace that one\nEnd',
match: /(.*try) (.*)/,
replace: ['New string, $1'],
target: `${scratch}/a_file`
target: `${scratch}/a_file`,
encoding: 'ascii'
// Start\nNew string, lets try\nEnd
Replacing with the global and multiple lines options
const {data} = await nikita
content: '# Start\n#property=30\nproperty=10\n# End',
match: /^property=.*$/mg,
replace: 'property=50',
target: `${scratch}/a_file`
target: `${scratch}/a_file`,
encoding: 'ascii'
// # Start\n#property=30\nproperty=50\n# End
Appending a line after each line containing "property"
const {data} = await nikita
content: '# Start\n#property=30\nproperty=10\n# End',
match: /^.*comment.*$/mg,
replace: '# comment',
target: `${scratch}/a_file`,
append: 'property'
target: `${scratch}/a_file`,
encoding: 'ascii'
// # Start\n#property=30\n# comment\nproperty=50\n# comment\n# End
Multiple transformations
const {data} = await nikita
content: 'username: me\nemail: my@email\nfriends: you',
write: [
{match: /^(username).*$/mg, replace: '$1: you'},
{match: /^email.*$/mg, replace: ''},
{match: /^(friends).*$/mg, replace: '$1: me'}
target: `${scratch}/a_file`
target: `${scratch}/a_file`,
encoding: 'ascii'
// username: you\n\nfriends: me
on_action = ({config}) ->
# Validate parameters
# TODO: try to express this in JSON schema
throw Error 'Missing source or content or replace or write' unless (config.source or config.content?) or config.replace? or config.write?
throw Error 'Define either source or content' if config.source and config.content?
if config.content
if typeof config.content is 'number'
config.content = "#{config.content}"
else if Buffer.isBuffer config.content
config.content = config.content.toString()
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
oneOf: [
typeof: 'boolean'
typeof: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
default: false
description: '''
Append the content to the target file. If target does not exist, the
file will be created.
type: ['boolean', 'string']
description: '''
Create a backup, append a provided string to the filename extension or
a timestamp if value is not a string, only apply if the target file
exists and is modified.
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/fs/chmod#/definitions/config/properties/mode'
description: '''
Backup file mode (permission and sticky bits), defaults to `0o0400`,
in the form of `{mode: 0o0400}` or `{mode: "0400"}`.
type: 'string'
typeof: 'function'
description: '''
Text to be written, an alternative to source which reference a file.
type: 'object'
description: '''
Context provided to the template engine.
typeof: 'function'
description: '''
Print diff information, pass a readable diff and the result of
[jsdiff.diffLines][diffLines] as arguments if a function, default to
type: ['boolean', 'string']
description: '''
Ensure the file ends with this charactere sequence, special values are
'windows', 'mac', 'unix' and 'unicode' (respectively "\r\n", "\r",
"\n", "\u2028"), will be auto-detected if "true", default to false or
"\n" if "true" and not detected.
type: 'string'
default: 'utf8'
description: '''
Encoding of the source and target files.
type: 'string'
default: 'handlebars'
description: '''
Template engine being used.
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
description: '''
Name of the marker from where the content will be replaced.
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/fs/chown#/definitions/config/properties/gid'
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Treat the source as local instead of remote, only apply with "ssh"
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
description: '''
Replace this marker, default to the replaced string if missing.
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/fs/chmod#/definitions/config/properties/mode'
oneOf: [
typeof: 'boolean'
typeof: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
description: '''
Place the content before the match.
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Remove empty lines from content
type: ['array', 'string']
items: type: 'string'
description: '''
The content to be inserted, used conjointly with the from, to or match
type: 'string'
description: '''
File path from where to extract the content, do not use conjointly
with content.
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
typeof: 'function'
description: '''
File path where to write content to. Pass the content.
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
description: '''
Name of the marker until where the content will be replaced.
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/fs/chown#/definitions/config/properties/uid'
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Replace the existing link, leaving the refered file untouched.
description: '''
An array containing multiple transformation where a transformation is
an object accepting the options `from`, `to`, `match` and `replace`.
type: 'array'
type: 'object'
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
description: '''
File path from where to extract the content, do not use
conjointly with content.
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
description: '''
Name of the marker until where the content will be replaced.
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
description: '''
Replace this marker, default to the replaced string if missing.
type: 'string'
description: '''
The content to be inserted, used conjointly with the from, to or
match options.
required: ['target']
handler = ({config, tools: {log}}) ->
# Content: pass all arguments to function calls
context = arguments[0]
log message: "Source is \"#{config.source}\"", level: 'DEBUG'
log message: "Destination is \"#{}\"", level: 'DEBUG'
config.content = @, context if typeof config.content is 'function'
config.diff ?= config.diff or !!config.stdout
switch config.eof
when 'unix'
config.eof = "\n"
when 'mac'
config.eof = "\r"
when 'windows'
config.eof = "\r\n"
when 'unicode'
config.eof = "\u2028"
target = null
targetContentHash = null
config.write ?= []
if config.from? or or config.match? or config.replace? or config.place_before?
from: config.from
match: config.match
replace: config.replace
append: config.append
place_before: config.place_before
config.append = false
for w in config.write
if not w.from? and not and not w.match? and w.replace?
w.match = w.replace
# Start work
if config.source?
# Option "local" force to bypass the ssh
# connection, use by the upload function
source = config.source or
log message: "Force local source is \"#{if config.local then 'true' else 'false'}\"", level: 'DEBUG'
{exists} = await @fs.base.exists
$ssh: false if config.local
$sudo: false if config.local
target: source
unless exists
throw Error "Source does not exist: #{JSON.stringify config.source}" if config.source
config.content = ''
log message: "Reading source", level: 'DEBUG'
{data: config.content} = await @fs.base.readFile
$ssh: false if config.local
$sudo: false if config.local
target: source
encoding: config.encoding
else if not config.content?
{data: config.content} = await @fs.base.readFile
$ssh: false if config.local
$sudo: false if config.local
encoding: config.encoding
catch err
throw err if err.code isnt 'NIKITA_FS_CRS_TARGET_ENOENT'
config.content = ''
# Stat the target
targetStats = await @call $raw_output: true, ->
return null unless typeof is 'string'
log message: "Stat target", level: 'DEBUG'
{stats} = await @fs.base.lstat target:
if utils.stats.isDirectory stats.mode
throw Error 'Incoherent situation, target is a directory and there is no source to guess the filename'
# = "#{}/#{path.basename config.source}"
# log message: "Destination is a directory and is now \"\"", level: 'INFO'
# # Destination is the parent directory, let's see if the file exist inside
# {stats} = await @fs.base.stat target:, $relax: 'NIKITA_FS_STAT_TARGET_ENOENT'
# throw Error "Destination is not a file: #{}" unless utils.stats.isFile stats.mode
# log message: "New target exists", level: 'INFO'
else if utils.stats.isSymbolicLink stats.mode
log message: "Destination is a symlink", level: 'INFO'
if config.unlink
await @fs.base.unlink target:
stats = null
else if utils.stats.isFile stats.mode
log message: "Destination is a file", level: 'INFO'
throw Error "Invalid File Type Destination: #{}"
catch err
switch err.code
await @fs.mkdir
target: path.dirname
uid: config.uid
gid: config.gid
# force execution right on mkdir
mode: if config.mode then (config.mode | 0o111) else 0o755
throw err
# if the transform function returns null or undefined, the file is not written
# else if transform throws an error, the error isnt caught but rather thrown
config.content = await undefined, config: config if config.transform
if config.remove_empty_lines
log message: "Remove empty lines", level: 'DEBUG'
config.content = config.content.replace /(\r\n|[\n\r\u0085\u2028\u2029])\s*(\r\n|[\n\r\u0085\u2028\u2029])/g, "$1"
utils.partial config, log if config.write.length
if config.eof
log message: 'Checking option eof', level: 'DEBUG'
if config.eof is true
for char, i in config.content
if char is '\r'
config.eof = if config.content[i+1] is '\n' then '\r\n' else char
if char is '\n' or char is '\u2028'
config.eof = char
config.eof = '\n' if config.eof is true
log message: "Option eof is true, guessing as #{JSON.stringify config.eof}", level: 'INFO'
unless utils.string.endsWith config.content, config.eof
log message: 'Add eof', level: 'INFO'
config.content += config.eof
# Read the target, compute its hash and diff its content
if targetStats
{data: targetContent} = await @fs.base.readFile
encoding: config.encoding
targetContentHash = utils.string.hash targetContent
if config.content?
contentChanged = not targetStats? or targetContentHash isnt utils.string.hash config.content
if contentChanged
{raw, text} = utils.diff targetContent, config.content, config
config.diff text, raw if typeof config.diff is 'function'
log type: 'diff', message: text, level: 'INFO'
if config.backup and contentChanged
log message: "Create backup", level: 'INFO'
config.backup_mode ?= 0o0400
backup = if typeof config.backup is 'string' then config.backup else ".#{}"
await @fs.copy
target: "#{}#{backup}"
mode: config.backup_mode
# Call the target with the content when a function
if typeof is 'function'
log message: 'Write target with user function', level: 'INFO'
await content: config.content
# Ownership and permission are also handled
# Preserved the file mode if the file exists. Otherwise,
# delegate to fs.createWriteStream` the creation of the default
# mode of "744".
# `mode` specifies the permissions to use in case a new file is created.
if contentChanged
await @call ->
config.flags ?= 'a' if config.append
await @fs.base.writeFile
flags: config.flags
content: config.content
mode: targetStats?.mode
$status: true
if config.mode
await @fs.chmod
stats: targetStats
mode: config.mode
else if targetStats
await @fs.chmod
stats: targetStats
mode: targetStats.mode
# Option gid is set at runtime if target is a new file
await @fs.chown
$if: config.uid? or config.gid?
stats: targetStats
uid: config.uid
gid: config.gid
module.exports =
handler: handler
on_action: on_action
definitions: definitions
path = require 'path'
utils = require './utils'