Action "execute"
Run a command locally or with ssh if host
or ssh
is provided.
Exit codes
The "code" property is important to determine whether an action failed or succeed with or without modifications. An action is expected to execute successfully if the exit code match one of the value in "code", by default "0". Otherwise, it is considered to have failed and an error is passed to the user callback. Sucessfull codes may or may not impact the status, indicating or not a change of state.
The normalized form of code is an object with 2 properties:
: indicating a change of state, returned$status
: indicating no change of state, returned$status
The default value is: { true: [0], false: [] }
When code is an integer, it overwrite the true
property, for example:
code: 1,
command: 'exit 1'
}, ({config}) => {
{ true: [1], false: [] }
When code is an array, the first element overwrite the true
property while
additionnal elements overwrite the false
code: [1, 2, [3, 4]],
command: 'exit 1'
}, ({config}) => {
{ true: [1], false: [2, 3, 4] }
Value istrue
if exit code equals on of the values ofcode.true
by default,false
if exit code equals on of the values ofcode.false
by default.stdout
Stdout value(s) unlessstdout
property is provided.stderr
Stderr value(s) unlessstderr
property is provided.
Temporary directory
A temporary directory is required under certain conditions. The action leverages
the tmpdir
plugins which is only activated when necessary. The conditions
involves the usage of sudo
, chroot
, arch_chroot
or env_export
For performance reason, consider declare the metadata.tmpdir
property in your
parent action to avoid the creation and removal of a tempory directory everytime
the execute
action is called.
Create a user over SSH
This example create a user on a remote server with the useradd
command. It
print the error message if the command failed or an information message if it
An exit code equal to "9" defined by the "code.false" property indicates that the command is considered successfull but without any impact.
const {$status} = await nikita.execute({
ssh: ssh,
command: 'useradd myfriend',
code: [0, 9]
})`User was created: ${$status}`)
Run a command with bash
const {stdout} = await nikita.execute({
bash: true,
command: 'env'
on_action =
after: [
before: [
handler: ({config, metadata, ssh, tools: {find, path, walk}}) ->
config.env ?= if not ssh and not config.env then process.env else {}
env_export = if config.env_export? then config.env_export else !!ssh
# Create the tmpdir if arch_chroot is activated
if config.arch_chroot and config.arch_chroot_rootdir
metadata.tmpdir ?= ({os_tmpdir, tmpdir}) ->
# Note, Arch mount `/tmp` with tmpfs in memory
# placing a file in the host fs will not expose it inside of chroot
config.arch_chroot_tmpdir = path.join '/opt', tmpdir
tmpdir = path.join config.arch_chroot_rootdir, config.arch_chroot_tmpdir
sudo = (command) ->
if utils.os.whoami(ssh) is 'root'
then command
else "sudo #{command}"
command = [
'set -e'
sudo "[ -w #{config.arch_chroot_rootdir} ] || exit 2;"
sudo "mkdir -p #{tmpdir};"
sudo "chmod 700 #{tmpdir};"
].join '\n'
await execProm ssh, command
catch err
throw errors.NIKITA_EXECUTE_ARCH_CHROOT_ROOTDIR_NOT_EXIST err: err, config: config if err.code is 2
throw err
target: tmpdir
else if config.sudo or config.bash or (env_export and Object.keys(config.env).length)
metadata.tmpdir ?= true
on_result =
before: '@nikitajs/core/src/plugins/ssh'
handler: ({action: {config, metadata, ssh}}) ->
# Only arch chroot manage tmpdir, otherwise it is handled by the plugin
return unless config.arch_chroot and config.arch_chroot_rootdir
# Disregard cleaning if tmpdir is a user defined function and if
# the function failed to execute, see the on_action hook above.
return if typeof metadata.tmpdir is 'function'
sudo = (command) ->
if utils.os.whoami(ssh) is 'root'
then command
else "sudo #{command}"
command = [
sudo "rm -rf #{metadata.tmpdir}"
].join '\n'
await execProm ssh, command
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
type: ['boolean', 'string']
description: '''
Run this command inside a root directory with the arc-chroot command
or any provided string, require the "arch_chroot_rootdir" option if activated.
type: ['boolean', 'string']
description: '''
Serialize the command into a file and execute it with bash.
cast_code: true
type: ['integer', 'string', 'array', 'object']
type: 'array'
items: type: 'integer'
default: [0]
type: 'array'
items: type: 'integer'
default: []
default: {}
description: '''
Valid exit code(s) returned by the command.
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
typeof: 'function'
description: '''
String, Object or array; Command to execute. A value provided as a
function is interpreted as an action and will be called by forwarding
the config object. The result is the expected to be the command
to execute.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Current working directory from where to execute the command.
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Leave temporary files on the filesystem.
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Run the action without executing any real command.
type: 'object'
description: '''
Environment variables as key-value pairs. With local execution, it
default to `process.env`. With remote execution over SSH, the accepted
environment variables is determined by the AcceptEnv server setting
and default to "LANG,LC_*". See the `env_export` property to get
around this limitation.
patternProperties: '': type: "string"
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Write a temporary file which exports the the environment variables
defined in the `env` property. The value is always `true` when
environment variables must be used with SSH.
type: 'string'
enum: ['json', 'yaml']
description: '''
Convert the stdout to a Javascript value or object.
type: 'integer'
description: '''
Unix group id.
# Schema coercion from string, without is
# oneOf: [
# $ref: '#/definitions/stdio'
# ,
# type: 'array'
# items: $ref: '#/definitions/stdio'
# ]
type: 'array'
$ref: '#/definitions/stdio'
description: '''
Configure the pipes that are established between the parent and
child process.
instanceof: 'Object' # must be `stream.Writable`
description: '''
Readable EventEmitter in which the standard input is piped from.
type: 'boolean'
default: true
description: '''
Log the executed command of type stdin, default is `true`.
instanceof: 'Object' # must be `stream.Writable`
description: '''
Writable EventEmitter in which the standard output of executed
commands will be piped.
type: 'boolean'
default: true
description: '''
Return the stderr content in the output, default is `true`. It is
preferable to set this property to `false` and to use the `stdout`
property when expecting a large stdout output.
type: 'boolean'
default: true
description: '''
Pass stdout output to the logs of type "stdout_stream", default is
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Trim the stdout output.
instanceof: 'Object' # must be `stream.Writable`
description: '''
Writable EventEmitter in which the standard error output of executed
command will be piped.
type: 'boolean'
default: true
description: '''
Return the stderr content in the output, default is `true`. It is
preferable to set this property to `false` and to use the `stderr`
property when expecting a large stderr output.
type: 'boolean'
default: true
description: '''
Pass stdout output to the logs of type "stdout_stream", default is
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Trim the stderr output.
type: 'boolean'
# default: false
description: '''
Run a command as sudo, desactivated if user is "root".
type: 'string'
description: '''
Temporary path storing the script, only apply with the `bash` and
`arch_chroot` properties, always disposed once executed. Unless
provided, the default location is `{metadata.tmpdir}/{string.hash
config.command}`. See the `tmpdir` plugin for additionnal information.
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Exit immediately if a commands inside a script exits with a non-zero
exit status, add the `set -e` option to your script.
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Trim both the stdout and stderr outputs.
type: 'integer'
description: '''
Unix user id.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Path to the mount point corresponding to the root directory, required
if the "arch_chroot" option is activated.
required: ['arch_chroot_rootdir']
required: ['command']
# see
oneOf: [
enum: [
'pipe', 'overlapped', 'ignore', 'inherit'
type: 'string'
enum: [
0, 1, 2
type: 'integer'
handler = ({config, metadata, parent, tools: {dig, find, log, path, walk}, ssh}) ->
# Validate parameters
config.mode ?= 0o500
config.command = await @call config, config.command if typeof config.command is 'function'
config.bash = 'bash' if config.bash is true
config.arch_chroot = 'arch-chroot' if config.arch_chroot is true
config.command = "set -e\n#{config.command}" if config.command and config.trap
config.command_original = "#{config.command}"
# sudo = await find ({config: {sudo}}) -> sudo
dry = await find ({config: {dry}}) -> dry
# TODO move next 2 lines this to schema or on_action ?
throw Error "Incompatible properties: bash, arch_chroot" if ['bash', 'arch_chroot'].filter((k) -> config[k]).length > 1
# Environment variables are merged with parent
# env = merge {}, ...await walk ({config: {env}}) -> env
# Serialize env in a sourced file
env_export = if config.env_export? then config.env_export else !!ssh
if env_export and Object.keys(config.env).length
env_export_content = (
"export #{k}=#{utils.string.escapeshellarg v}\n" for k, v of config.env
).join '\n'
env_export_hash = utils.string.hash env_export_content
# Guess current username
current_username = utils.os.whoami(ssh)
# Sudo
if config.sudo
if current_username is 'root'
config.sudo = false
config.bash = 'bash' unless ['bash', 'arch_chroot'].some (k) -> config[k]
# User substitution
# Determines if writing is required and eventually convert uid to username
if config.uid and current_username isnt 'root' and not /\d/.test "#{config.uid}"
{stdout} = await @execute "awk -v val=#{config.uid} -F ":" '$3==val{print $1}' /etc/passwd`", (err, {stdout}) ->
config.uid = stdout.trim()
config.bash = 'bash' unless config.bash or config.arch_chroot
if env_export and Object.keys(config.env).length
env_export_hash = utils.string.hash env_export_content
env_export_target = path.join metadata.tmpdir, env_export_hash
config.command = "source #{env_export_target}\n#{config.command}"
log message: "Writing env export to #{JSON.stringify env_export_target}", level: 'INFO'
await @fs.base.writeFile
$sudo: config.sudo
content: env_export_content
mode: 0o500
target: env_export_target
uid: config.uid
if config.arch_chroot
# Note, with arch_chroot enabled,
# arch_chroot_rootdir `/mnt` gave birth to
# tmpdir `/mnt/tmpdir/nikita-random-path`
# and target is inside it
command = config.command
if typeof target isnt 'string'
target_in = path.join config.arch_chroot_tmpdir, "execute-arch_chroot-#{utils.string.hash config.command}"
target = path.join config.arch_chroot_rootdir, target_in
# target = "#{metadata.tmpdir}/#{utils.string.hash config.command}" if typeof isnt 'string'
log message: "Writing arch-chroot script to #{JSON.stringify target}", level: 'INFO'
config.command = "#{config.arch_chroot} #{config.arch_chroot_rootdir} bash #{target_in}"
config.command = "sudo #{config.command}" if config.sudo
await @fs.base.writeFile
$sudo: config.sudo
target: "#{target}"
content: "#{command}"
mode: config.mode
# Write script
else if config.bash
command = config.command
if typeof target isnt 'string'
target = path.join metadata.tmpdir, "execute-bash-#{utils.string.hash config.command}"
log message: "Writing bash script to #{JSON.stringify target}", level: 'INFO'
cmd = "#{config.bash} #{target}"
if config.uid
cmd = "su - #{config.uid} -c '#{cmd}'"
if config.sudo
cmd = "sudo #{cmd}"
unless config.dirty
cmd += "; code=`echo $?` "
unless config.sudo
cmd += "&& rm '#{target}'"
cmd += "&& sudo rm '#{target}'"
cmd += "&& exit $code"
config.command = cmd
# config.command = "#{config.bash} #{target}"
# config.command = "su - #{config.uid} -c '#{config.command}'" if config.uid
# # Note, rm cannot be remove with arch_chroot enabled
# config.command += " && code=`echo $?`; rm '#{target}'; exit $code" unless config.dirty
await @fs.base.writeFile
$sudo: config.sudo
content: command
mode: config.mode
target: target
uid: config.uid
else if config.sudo
config.command = "sudo #{config.command}"
# Execute
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
log message: config.command_original, type: 'stdin', level: 'INFO' if config.stdin_log
result =
$status: false
stdout: []
stderr: []
code: null
command: config.command_original
return resolve result if config.dry
child = exec config,
ssh: ssh
env: config.env
# Note, child[stdin|stdout|stderr] are undefined
# when option stdio is set to 'inherit'
config.stdin.pipe child.stdin if config.stdin and child.stdin
child.stdout.pipe config.stdout, end: false if config.stdout and child.stdout
child.stderr.pipe config.stderr, end: false if config.stderr and child.stderr
stdout_stream_open = stderr_stream_open = false
if child.stdout and (config.stdout_return or config.stdout_log)
child.stdout.on 'data', (data) ->
stdout_stream_open = true if config.stdout_log
log message: data, type: 'stdout_stream' if config.stdout_log
if config.stdout_return
if Array.isArray result.stdout # A string once `exit` is called
result.stdout.push data
else console.warn [
'stdout coming after child exit,'
"got #{JSON.stringify data.toString()},"
'this is embarassing and we never found how to catch this bug,'
'we would really enjoy some help to replicate or fix this one.'
].join ' '
if child.stderr and (config.stderr_return or config.stderr_log)
child.stderr.on 'data', (data) ->
stderr_stream_open = true if config.stderr_log
log message: data, type: 'stderr_stream' if config.stderr_log
if config.stderr_return
if Array.isArray result.stderr # A string once `exit` is called
result.stderr.push data
else console.warn [
'stderr coming after child exit,'
"got #{JSON.stringify data.toString()},"
'this is embarassing and we never found how to catch this bug,'
'we would really enjoy some help to replicate or fix this one.'
].join ' '
child.on "exit", (code) ->
log message: "Command exit with status: #{code}", level: 'DEBUG'
result.code = code
# Give it some time because the "exit" event is sometimes called
# before the "stdout" "data" event when running `npm test`
setImmediate ->
log message: null, type: 'stdout_stream' if stdout_stream_open and config.stdout_log
log message: null, type: 'stderr_stream' if stderr_stream_open and config.stderr_log
result.stdout = -> d.toString()).join('')
result.stdout = result.stdout.trim() if config.trim or config.stdout_trim
result.stderr = -> d.toString()).join('')
result.stderr = result.stderr.trim() if config.trim or config.stderr_trim
if config.format and config.code.true.indexOf(code) isnt -1 = switch config.format
when 'json' then JSON.parse result.stdout
when 'yaml' then yaml.load result.stdout
log message: result.stdout, type: 'stdout' if result.stdout and result.stdout isnt '' and config.stdout_log
log message: result.stderr, type: 'stderr' if result.stderr and result.stderr isnt '' and config.stderr_log
if child.stdout and config.stdout
child.stdout.unpipe config.stdout
if child.stderr and config.stderr
child.stderr.unpipe config.stderr
if config.code.true.indexOf(code) is -1 and config.code.false.indexOf(code) is -1
message: [
'An unexpected exit code was encountered,'
'using relax mode,' if metadata.relax
"command is #{JSON.stringify utils.string.max config.command_original, 50},"
"got #{JSON.stringify result.code}"
"instead of #{JSON.stringify config.code}."
].filter( (line) -> !!line).join ' '
level: if metadata.relax then 'INFO' else 'ERROR'
return reject utils.error 'NIKITA_EXECUTE_EXIT_CODE_INVALID', [
'an unexpected exit code was encountered,'
'using relax mode,' if metadata.relax
"command is #{JSON.stringify utils.string.max config.command_original, 50},"
"got #{JSON.stringify result.code}"
"instead of #{JSON.stringify config.code}."
], {...result, exit_code: code}
if config.code.false.indexOf(code) is -1
result.$status = true
log message: "Skip exit code `#{code}`", level: 'INFO'
resolve result
module.exports =
handler: handler
on_action: on_action
on_result: on_result
argument_to_config: 'command'
definitions: definitions
errors =
'directory defined by `config.arch_chroot_rootdir` must exist,'
"location is #{JSON.stringify config.arch_chroot_rootdir}."
exit_code: err.code
stdout: err.stdout
stderr: err.stderr
exec = require 'ssh2-exec'
execProm = require 'ssh2-exec/promise'
fs = require 'ssh2-fs'
yaml = require 'js-yaml'
utils = require '../../utils'