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Assertions are executed after the action handler to validate the result of its execution.

Assertions assert and unassert validate the output returned by the action. Other assertions exist and are prefixed with assert_ or unassert_ for their negation. On failure, an error is thrown with the NIKITA_INVALID_ASSERTION code.

For example, the unassert_exists ensures that a file or a directory is not present once the nikita.fs.remove action is executed:

(async () => {
  await nikita.fs.remove({
    $unassert_exists: '/tmp/a_dir',    recursive: true,
    target: '/tmp/a_dir'

Multiple assertions can be combined, in which case, all assertions must succeed. The following example contains 2 assertions applied to nikita.fs.mkdir action that creates a directory. The first one, assert, ensures the creation of the directory, otherwise the status property would be false. The second one, assert_exists, validates the existence of the directory:

(async () => {
  await nikita.fs.mkdir({
    $assert: {status: true},    $assert_exists: '/tmp/a_dir',    target: "/tmp/a_dir"


Asserts the output of the action after its execution.

Depending on the value of assert the assertion has different behavior. When the assert value is:

  • a boolean, a string, a number, a regular expression, null or undefined, it asserts it matches the action output.

Note, a boolean value returned by the handler is interpreted as a value of the status property of the output object; when null, the status value is inherited from child actions or it is false in lack of children. You can enable the raw_output metadata to disable this behaviour.

  • an object, it asserts it partially matches the action output.

  • a function, the argument is a context object including the config object. It is run synchronously after the handler of the action and must return true for the assertion to pass.

  • an array of functions, all its elements must return true for the assertion to pass.

(async () => {
  await nikita
  // Null
    $assert: null,    // disable output interpretation
    $raw_output: true,
    $handler: () => null
  // Boolean
    $assert: true,    // disable output interpretation
    $raw_output: true,
    $handler: () => true
  // Number
    $assert: 1,    $handler: () => 1
  // String
    $assert: 'ok',    $handler: () => 'ok'
  // Object
    $assert: {first: true},    $handler: () => {
      return {first: true, second: false}
  // Function
    $assert: ({config}) => {      return config.my_config == 'my_value'    },    $handler: ({config}) => {
      config.my_config = 'my_value'
  // Array of functions
    $assert: [      ({config}) => {        return config.my_config == 'my_value'      },      // always asserts      () => true    ],    $handler: ({config}) => {
      config.my_config = 'my_value'


Negatively asserts the action output after its execution. It is a negation of the assert property.

Depending on the value of unassert the assertion has different behavior. When the unassert value is:

  • a boolean, a string, a number, a regular expression, null or undefined, it asserts it doesn't match the action output.

  • an object, it asserts it doesn't partially match the action output.

  • a function, the argument is a context object including the config object. It is run synchronously after the handler of the action and must return false for the assertion to pass.

  • an array of functions, all its elements must return false for the assertion to pass.

(async () => {
  await nikita
  // Null
    $unassert: null,    $handler: () => true
  // Boolean
    $unassert: false,    $handler: () => true
  // Number
    $unassert: 1,    $handler: () => 2
  // String
    $unassert: 'ko',    $handler: () => 'ok'
  // Object
    $unassert: {first: false, second: false},    $handler: () => {
      return {first: true, second: false}
  // Function
    $unassert: ({config}) => {      return config.my_config == 'my_wrong_value'    },    $handler: ({config}) => {
      config.my_config = 'my_value'
  // Array of functions
    $unassert: [      ({config}) => {        return config.my_config == 'my_wrong_value'      },      // always asserts      () => false    ],    $handler: ({config}) => {
      config.my_config = 'my_value'


Asserts a file or a directory exists after the execution of the action.

The assert_exists value could be a string a an array of strings. It is evaluated as paths to files or directories to check for existence:

(async () => {
  await nikita
  // String
    $assert_exists: '/tmp/a_dir',    target: "/tmp/a_dir"
  // Array of strings
    $assert_exists: [      '/tmp/a_dir',      '/tmp/a_dir/a_file',    ],    target: "/tmp/a_dir/a_file"


Asserts a file or a directory doesn't exist after the execution of the action. It is a negation of the assert_exists property.

The unassert_exists value could be a string a an array of strings. It is evaluated as paths to files or directories to check for existence:

(async () => {
  await nikita
  // String
    $unassert_exists: '/tmp/a_dir/a_file',    target: "/tmp/a_dir/a_file"
  // Array of strings
    $unassert_exists: [      '/tmp/a_dir',      '/tmp/a_dir/a_file',    ],    recursive: true,
    target: "/tmp/a_dir"
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