Action "system.user"
Create or modify a Unix user.
If the user home is provided, its parent directory will be created with root ownerships and 0644 permissions unless it already exists.
Callback parameters
Value is "true" if user was created or modified.
const {$status} = await nikita.system.user({
name: 'a_user',
system: true,
uid: 490,
gid: 10,
comment: 'A System User'
console.log(`User created: ${$status}`)
The result of the above action can be viewed with the command
cat /etc/passwd | grep myself
producing an output similar to
"a_user:x:490:490:A System User:/home/a_user:/bin/bash". You can also check
you are a member of the "wheel" group (gid of "10") with the command
id a\_user
producing an output similar to
"uid=490(hive) gid=10(wheel) groups=10(wheel)".
on_action = ({config}) ->
when true = '/bin/sh'
when false = '/sbin/nologin'
config.groups = config.groups.split ',' if typeof config.groups is 'string'
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
type: 'string'
description: '''
Short description of the login.
type: 'integer'
description: '''
The date on which the user account is disabled.
type: 'integer'
description: '''
Group name or number of the user´s initial login group.
type: 'array'
items: type: 'string'
description: '''
List of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Value for the user´s login directory, default to the login name
appended to "BASE_DIR".
type: 'integer'
description: '''
The number of days after a password has expired before the account
will be disabled.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Login name of the user.
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Disable ownership on home directory which default to the "uid" and
"gid" config, default is "false".
type: 'string'
description: '''
The unencrypted password.
type: 'boolean'
default: true
description: '''
Synchronize password
# oneOf: [
# type: 'boolean'
# ,
# type: 'string'
# ]
type: ['boolean', 'string']
default: '/bin/sh'
description: '''
Path to the user shell, set to "/sbin/nologin" if `false` and "/bin/sh"
if `true` or `undefined`.
type: 'string'
description: '''
The skeleton directory, which contains files and directories to be
copied in the user´s home directory, when the home directory is
created by useradd.
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Create a system account, such user are not created with a home by
default, set the "home" option if we it to be created.
type: 'integer'
description: '''
Numerical value of the user´s ID, must not exist.
required: ['name']
handler = ({metadata, config, tools: {log}}) ->
log message: "Entering user", level: 'DEBUG'
config.system ?= false
config.gid ?= null
config.password_sync ?= true
throw Error "Invalid option 'shell': #{JSON.strinfigy}" if typeof isnt 'string'
user_info = groups_info = null
{users} = await
user_info = users[]
log if user_info
then message: "Got user information for #{JSON.stringify}", level: 'DEBUG', module: 'nikita/lib/system/group'
else message: "User #{JSON.stringify} not present", level: 'DEBUG', module: 'nikita/lib/system/group'
# Get group information if
# * user already exists
# * we need to compare groups membership
{groups} = await
$if: user_info and config.groups
groups_info = groups
log message: "Got group information for #{JSON.stringify}", level: 'DEBUG' if groups_info
if config.home
$unless_exists: path.dirname config.home
target: path.dirname config.home
uid: 0
gid: 0
mode: 0o0644 # Same as '/home'
unless user_info
await @execute [
code: [0, 9]
command: [
'-r' if config.system
'-M' unless config.home
'-m' if config.home
"-d #{config.home}" if config.home
"-s #{}" if
"-c #{utils.string.escapeshellarg config.comment}" if config.comment
"-u #{config.uid}" if config.uid
"-g #{config.gid}" if config.gid
"-e #{config.expiredate}" if config.expiredate
"-f #{config.inactive}" if config.inactive
"-G #{config.groups.join ','}" if config.groups
"-k #{config.skel}" if config.skel
].join ' '
$if: config.home
command: "chown #{}. #{config.home}"
log message: "User defined elsewhere than '/etc/passwd', exit code is 9", level: 'WARN'
changed = []
for k in ['uid', 'home', 'shell', 'comment', 'gid']
changed.push k if config[k]? and user_info[k] isnt config[k]
if config.groups then for group in config.groups
throw Error "Group does not exist: #{group}" unless groups_info[group]
changed.push 'groups' if groups_info[group].users.indexOf( is -1
log if changed.length
then message: "User #{} modified", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/lib/system/user/add'
else message: "User #{} not modified", level: 'DEBUG', module: 'nikita/lib/system/user/add'
await @execute
$if: changed.length
command: [
"-d #{config.home}" if config.home
"-s #{}" if
"-c #{utils.string.escapeshellarg config.comment}" if config.comment?
"-g #{config.gid}" if config.gid
"-G #{config.groups.join ','}" if config.groups
"-u #{config.uid}" if config.uid
].join ' '
catch err
if err.exit_code is 8
throw Error "User #{} is logged in"
else throw err
if config.home and (config.uid or config.gid)
await @fs.chown
$if_exists: config.home
$unless: config.no_home_ownership
target: config.home
uid: config.uid
gid: config.gid
# TODO, detect changes in password
# echo #{config.password} | passwd --stdin #{}
if config.password_sync and config.password
{$status} = await @execute
command: """
hash=$(echo #{config.password} | openssl passwd -1 -stdin)
usermod --pass="$hash" #{}
# arch_chroot: config.arch_chroot
# rootdir: config.rootdir
# sudo: config.sudo
log message: "Password modified", level: 'WARN' if $status
module.exports =
handler: handler
on_action: on_action
argument_to_config: 'name'
definitions: definitions
path = require 'path'
utils = require '../utils'