Action "system.limits"

Control system limits for a user.

Implementation strategy

nproc and nofile

There are two cases, depending on the specified value:

  1. Integer value
    If an int value is specified, then nikita checks that the value is lesser than the kernel limit. Please be aware that it is necessary but not sufficient to guarantee that the user would be able to open session.
  2. Boolean value If a true value is specified, then nikita set it to 75% of the kernel limit. This value is neither optimal nor able to guarantee that the user would be able to open session, but that is the best nikita can automatically do.

Other values

Other values are not assessed by default. They must be integers.


Linux allows to limit the resources allocated to users or user groups via "/etc/security/limits.conf" and "/etc/security/limits.d/*.conf" files loaded by WFP (Plugable Authentication Module) at each logon. The user can then adapt the resources available to its needs via "ulimit".

It is possible to define, for a number of resources (number of open files, file size, number of instantiated process, CPU time, etc.), a "soft" limit which can be increased by user, via "ulimit" until a maximum "hard" limit. The system does not exceed the value of the soft limit. If the user wants to push this limit, it will set a new soft limit with ulimit. The soft limit is always lower or equal to the hard limit. In general, the limits applied to a user override those applied to a group.

Ulimit commands

The "S" option to "ulimit" impact the effective limit ("soft" limit) and the "H" impact the "hard" limit (maximum value that can be defined by the user).

core file sizeulimit -Sculimit -Hcblocks
data seg sizeulimit -Sdulimit -Hdkbytes
scheduling priorityulimit -Seulimit -He
file sizeulimit -Sfulimit -Hfblocks
max locked memoryulimit -Slulimit -Hlkbytes
pending signalsulimit -Siulimit -Hi
max memory sizeulimit -Smulimit -Hmkbytes
open filesulimit -Snulimit -Hn
pipe sizeulimit -Spulimit -Hpbytes
POSIX message queuesulimit -Squlimit -Hqbytes
real-time priorityulimit -Srulimit -Hr
stack sizeulimit -Ssulimit -Hskbytes
cpu timeulimit -Stulimit -Htseconds
max user processesulimit -Suulimit -Hu
virtual memoryulimit -Svulimit -Hvkbytes
file locksulimit -Sxulimit -Hx

Pass the option in flag-mode to get, and follows it with a value to set.

Retrieve current information

Number of sub-process for a process:

ls /proc/$pid/task | wc
ps -L p $pid --no-headers | wc -l

Number of sub-process for a user, the option "-L" show threads, possibly with LWP and NLWP columns:

ps -L -u $user --no-headers | wc -l

Kernel Limits

User limits cannot exceed kernel limits, so you need to configure kernel limits before user limits.


sysctl kernel.pid_max         # print kernel.pid_max = VALUE
cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max  # print VALUE

Temporary change: echo 4194303 > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max

Permanent change: vi /etc/sysctl.conf # kernel.pid_max = 4194303

Open Files

sysctl fs.file-max         # print fs.file-max = VALUE
cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max  # print VALUE

Temporary change: echo 1631017 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

Permanent change : vi /etc/sysctl.conf # fs.file-max = 1631017


Setting the number of open file descriptors to .75 of the maximum value for all the users:

const {$status} = await nikita.system.limits({
  system: true,
  nofile: true
console.log(`Limits modified: ${$status}`);

Callback parameters

  • $status
    Value is "true" if limits configuration file has been modified.

Schema definitions

Refer to the limits.conf(5) Linux man page for further information.

definitions =
    type: 'object'
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Address space limit (KB).
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Limits the core file size (KB).
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        CPU time limit (in seconds). When the process reaches the soft limit,
        it receives a SIGXCPU every second. When it reaches the hard limit, it
        receives SIGKILL.
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max data size (KB).
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Maximum filesize (KB).
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max number of file locks the user can hold.
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max number of logins for this user.
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max number of logins on the system.
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max locked-in-memory address space (KB).
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max memory used by POSIX message queues (bytes).
        oneOf: [
          type: 'integer'
          minimum: -20
          maximum: 19
          type: 'object'
              type: 'integer'
              minimum: -20
              maximum: 19
          additionalProperties: false
        description: '''
        Max nice priority allowed to raise to values.
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max number of open file descriptors.
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max number of processes.
        oneOf: [
          type: 'integer'
          type: 'object'
            '^-|soft|hard$': type: 'integer'
          additionalProperties: false
        description: '''
        Priority to run user process with.
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max resident set size (KB).
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max number of pending signals.
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max stack size (KB).
        $ref: '#/definitions/limits'
        description: '''
        Max realtime priority..
        type: 'boolean'
        description: '''
        Apply the limits at the system level.
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Where to write the file, default to "/etc/security/limits.conf" for
        system limits and "/etc/security/limits.d/#{config.user}.conf" for
        user limits.
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        The username to who the limit apply, also used for the default target
    oneOf: [
      required: ['system']
      required: ['user']
    anyOf: [
      type: ['boolean', 'integer']
      type: 'object'
        '^-|soft|hard$': anyOf: [
          type: ['boolean', 'integer']
          type: 'string'
          enum: ['unlimited']
      additionalProperties: false
      type: 'string'
      enum: ['unlimited']


handler = ({config}) ->
  throw Error "Incoherent config: both system and user configuration are defined, #{JSON.stringify system: config.system, user: config.user}" if config.system and config.user
  config.user = '*' if config.system
  throw Error "Missing required option 'user'" unless config.user ?= "/etc/security/" + if config.user is '*' then "limits.conf" else "limits.d/#{config.user}.conf"
  # Calculate nofile from kernel limit
  if config.nofile?
    {stdout: kern_limit} = await @execute
      command: "cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max"
      # shy: true
      trim: true
    if config.nofile is true
      config.nofile = Math.round kern_limit * 0.75
    else if typeof config.nofile is 'number'
      throw Error "Invalid nofile configuration property. Please set int value lesser than kernel limit: #{kern_limit}" if config.nofile >= kern_limit
    else if typeof config.nofile is 'object'
      for _, v of config.nofile
        throw Error "Invalid nofile configuration property. Please set int value lesser than kernel limit: #{kern_limit}" if v >= kern_limit
  # Calculate nproc from kernel limit
  if config.nproc?
    {stdout: kern_limit} = await @execute
      command: "cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max"
      shy: true
      trim: true
    if config.nproc is true then config.nproc = Math.round kern_limit * 0.75
    else if typeof config.nproc is 'number'
      throw Error "Invalid nproc configuration property. Please set int value lesser than kernel limit: #{kern_limit}" if config.nproc >= kern_limit
    else if typeof config.nproc is 'object'
      for _, v of config.nproc
        throw Error "Invalid nproc configuration property. Please set int value lesser than kernel limit: #{kern_limit}" if v >= kern_limit
  # Config normalization
  write = []
  for opt in ['as', 'core', 'cpu', 'data', 'fsize', 'locks', 'maxlogins',
  'maxsyslogins', 'memlock', 'msgqueue', 'nice', 'nofile', 'nproc',
  'priority', 'rss', 'sigpending', 'stack', 'rtprio']
    continue unless config[opt]?
    config[opt] = '-': config[opt] unless typeof config[opt] is 'object'
    for k in Object.keys config[opt]
      throw Error "Invalid option: #{JSON.stringify config[opt]}" unless k in ['soft', 'hard', '-']
      throw Error "Invalid option: #{config[opt][k]} not a number" unless (typeof config[opt][k] is 'number') or config[opt][k] is 'unlimited'
        match: RegExp "^#{regexp.escape config.user} +#{regexp.escape k} +#{opt}.+$", 'm'
        replace: "#{config.user}    #{k}    #{opt}    #{config[opt][k]}"
        append: true
  return false unless write.length
    write: write
    eof: true
    uid: config.uid
    gid: config.gid


module.exports =
  handler: handler
    definitions: definitions


{regexp} = require './utils'
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