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Action "service.startup"

Activate or desactivate a service on startup.


  • $status
    Indicates if the startup behavior has changed.


const {$status} = await nikita.service.startup([{
  name: 'gmetad',
  startup: false
})`Service was desactivated on startup: ${$status}`)

Schema definitions

definitions =
    type: 'object'
      # 'arch_chroot':
      #   $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/execute#/definitions/config/properties/arch_chroot'
      # 'arch_chroot_rootdir':
      #   $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/execute#/definitions/config/properties/arch_chroot_rootdir'
        $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/service/src/install#/definitions/config/properties/name'
        type: ['boolean', 'string']
        default: true
        description: '''
        Run service daemon on startup, required. A string represent a list of
        activated levels, for example '2345' or 'multi-user'. An empty
        string to not define any run level. Note: String argument is only
        used if SysVinit runlevel is installed on the OS (automatically
        detected by nikita).
    required: ['name']


handler = ({config, tools: {log}}) ->
  # Action
  log message: "Startup service #{}", level: 'INFO'
  unless config.command
    {stdout} = await @execute
      $shy: true
      command: """
      if command -v systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo 'systemctl'
      elif command -v chkconfig >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo 'chkconfig'
      elif command -v update-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo 'update-rc'
        echo "Unsupported Loader" >&2
        exit 2
    config.command = stdout.trim()
    throw Error "Unsupported Loader" unless config.command in ['systemctl', 'chkconfig', 'update-rc']
  switch config.command
    when 'systemctl' # systemd
        {$status} = await @execute
          command: """
            startup=#{if config.startup then '1' else ''}
            if systemctl is-enabled #{}; then
              [ -z "$startup" ] || exit 3
              echo 'Disable #{}'
              systemctl disable #{}
              [ -z "$startup" ] && exit 3
              echo 'Enable #{}'
              systemctl enable #{}
          trap: true
          code: [0, 3]
          # arch_chroot: config.arch_chroot
          # arch_chroot_rootdir: config.arch_chroot_rootdir
        message = if config.startup then 'activated' else 'disabled'
        log if $status
        then message: "Service startup updated: #{message}", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/lib/service/remove'
        else message: "Service startup not modified: #{message}", level: 'INFO', module: 'nikita/lib/service/remove'
      catch err
        throw Error "Startup Enable Failed: #{}" if config.startup
        throw Error "Startup Disable Failed: #{}" if not config.startup
    when 'chkconfig'
      {$status, stdout, stderr} = await @execute
        $shy: true
        command: "chkconfig --list #{}"
        code: [0, 1]
      # Invalid service name return code is 0 and message in stderr start by error
      if /^error/.test stderr
        log message: "Invalid chkconfig name for \"#{}\"", level: 'ERROR'
        throw Error "Invalid chkconfig name for `#{}`"
      current_startup = ''
      if $status
        for c in stdout.split(' ').pop().trim().split '\t'
          [level, status] = c.split ':'
          current_startup += level if ['on', 'marche'].indexOf(status) > -1
      return if config.startup is true and current_startup.length
      return if config.startup is current_startup
      return if $status and config.startup is false and current_startup is ''
      if config.startup
        command = "chkconfig --add #{};"
        if typeof config.startup is 'string'
          startup_on = startup_off = ''
          for i in [0...6]
            if config.startup.indexOf(i) isnt -1
            then startup_on += i
            else startup_off += i
          command += "chkconfig --level #{startup_on} #{} on;" if startup_on
          command += "chkconfig --level #{startup_off} #{} off;" if startup_off
          command += "chkconfig #{} on;"
        await @execute
          command: command
      unless config.startup
        log message: "Desactivating startup rules", level: 'DEBUG'
        # Setting the level to off. An alternative is to delete it: `chkconfig --del #{}`
        await @execute
          command: "chkconfig #{} off"
      message = if config.startup then 'activated' else 'disabled'
      log if $status
      then message: "Service startup updated: #{message}", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/lib/service/startup'
      else message: "Service startup not modified: #{message}", level: 'INFO', module: 'nikita/lib/service/startup'
    when 'update-rc' # System-V
      {$status} = await @execute
        command: """
          startup=#{if config.startup then '1' else ''}
          if ls /etc/rc*.d/S??#{}; then
            [ -z "$startup" ] || exit 3
            echo 'Disable #{}'
            update-rc.d -f #{} disable
            [ -z "$startup" ] && exit 3
            echo 'Enable #{}'
            update-rc.d -f #{} enable
        code: [0, 3]
        # arch_chroot: config.arch_chroot
        # arch_chroot_rootdir: config.arch_chroot_rootdir
      message = if config.startup then 'activated' else 'disabled'
      log if $status
      then message: "Service startup updated: #{message}", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/lib/service/remove'
      else message: "Service startup not modified: #{message}", level: 'INFO', module: 'nikita/lib/service/remove'


module.exports =
  handler: handler
    argument_to_config: 'name'
    definitions: definitions
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