Action "service.install"
Install a service. Yum, Yay, Yaourt, Pacman and apt-get are supported.
Indicates if the service was installed.
const {$status} = await nikita.service.install({
name: 'ntp'
})`Package installed: ${$status}`)
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Cache the list of installed and outdated packages.
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Run the yum command entirely from system cache, don't update cache.
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/lib/actions/execute#/definitions/config/properties/code'
description: '''
Error code applied when using nikita.service.
type: 'array', items: type: 'string'
description: '''
Cache a list of installed services. If an array, the service will be
installed if a key of the same name exists; if anything else
(default), no caching will take place.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Package name, required unless provided as main argument.
type: 'array', items: type: 'string'
# oneOf: [
# {type: 'boolean'}
# {type: 'array', items: type: 'string'}
# ]
description: '''
Cache a list of outdated services. If an array, the service will be
updated if a key of the same name exists; If true, the option will be
converted to an array with all the outdated service names as keys; if
anything else (default), no caching will take place.
type: 'array'
default: []
description: '''
Additionnal flags passed to the `pacman -S` command.
type: 'array'
default: []
description: '''
Additionnal flags passed to the `yaourt -S` command.
type: 'array'
default: []
description: '''
Additionnal flags passed to the `yay -S` command.
required: ['name']
handler = ({config, parent: {state}, tools: {log}}) ->
# Config
config.installed ?= state['nikita:execute:installed'] if config.cache
config.outdated ?= state['nikita:execute:outdated'] if config.cache
cacheonly = if config.cacheonly then '-C' else ''
for flag, i in config.pacman_flags
continue if /^-/.test flag
config.pacman_flags[i] = "-#{flag}" if flag.length is 1
config.pacman_flags[i] = "--#{flag}" if flag.length > 1
for flag, i in config.yay_flags
continue if /^-/.test flag
config.yay_flags[i] = "-#{flag}" if flag.length is 1
config.yay_flags[i] = "--#{flag}" if flag.length > 1
for flag, i in config.yaourt_flags
continue if /^-/.test flag
config.yaourt_flags[i] = "-#{flag}" if flag.length is 1
config.yaourt_flags[i] = "--#{flag}" if flag.length > 1
# Start real work
log message: "Install service #{}", level: 'INFO'
# List installed packages
unless config.installed?
{$status, stdout} = await @execute
$shy: true
command: """
if command -v yum >/dev/null 2>&1; then
rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n"
elif command -v pacman >/dev/null 2>&1; then
pacman -Qqe
elif command -v apt-get >/dev/null 2>&1; then
dpkg -l | grep \'^ii\' | awk \'{print $2}\'
echo "Unsupported Package Manager" >&2
exit 2
code: [0, 1]
# arch_chroot: config.arch_chroot
# arch_chroot_rootdir: config.arch_chroot_rootdir
stdin_log: false
stdout_log: false
if $status
log message: "Installed packages retrieved", level: 'INFO'
config.installed = for pkg in utils.string.lines(stdout) then pkg
catch err
throw Error "Unsupported Package Manager" if err.exit_code is 2
# List packages waiting for update
if not config.outdated?
{$status, stdout} = await @execute
$shy: true
command: """
if command -v yum >/dev/null 2>&1; then
yum #{cacheonly} check-update -q | sed 's/\\([^\\.]*\\).*/\\1/'
elif command -v pacman >/dev/null 2>&1; then
pacman -Qu | sed 's/\\([^ ]*\\).*/\\1/'
elif command -v apt-get >/dev/null 2>&1; then
apt-get -u upgrade --assume-no | grep '^\\s' | sed 's/\\s/\\n/g'
echo "Unsupported Package Manager" >&2
exit 2
code: [0, 1]
# arch_chroot: config.arch_chroot
# arch_chroot_rootdir: config.arch_chroot_rootdir
stdin_log: false
stdout_log: false
if $status
log message: "Outdated package list retrieved", level: 'INFO'
config.outdated = utils.string.lines stdout.trim()
config.outdated = []
catch err
throw Error "Unsupported Package Manager" if err.exit_code is 2
# Install the package
if config.installed?.indexOf( is -1 or config.outdated?.indexOf( isnt -1
{$status} = await @execute
command: """
if command -v yum >/dev/null 2>&1; then
yum install -y #{cacheonly} #{}
elif command -v yay >/dev/null 2>&1; then
yay --noconfirm -S #{} #{config.yay_flags.join ' '}
elif command -v yaourt >/dev/null 2>&1; then
yaourt --noconfirm -S #{} #{config.yaourt_flags.join ' '}
elif command -v pacman >/dev/null 2>&1; then
pacman --noconfirm -S #{} #{config.pacman_flags.join ' '}
elif command -v apt-get >/dev/null 2>&1; then
env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y #{}
echo "Unsupported Package Manager: yum, pacman, apt-get supported" >&2
exit 2
code: config.code
# arch_chroot: config.arch_chroot
# arch_chroot_rootdir: config.arch_chroot_rootdir
log if $status
then message: "Package \"#{}\" is installed", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/lib/service/install'
else message: "Package \"#{}\" is already installed", level: 'INFO', module: 'nikita/lib/service/install'
# Enrich installed array with package name unless already there
installedIndex = config.installed.indexOf
config.installed.push if installedIndex is -1
# Remove package name from outdated if listed
if config.outdated
outdatedIndex = config.outdated.indexOf
config.outdated.splice outdatedIndex, 1 unless outdatedIndex is -1
catch err
throw Error "Unsupported Package Manager: yum, yaourt, pacman, apt-get supported" if err.exit_code is 2
throw utils.error 'NIKITA_SERVICE_INSTALL', [
'failed to install package,'
"name is `#{}`"
], target:
if config.cache
log message: "Caching installed on \"nikita:execute:installed\"", level: 'INFO'
state['nikita:execute:installed'] = config.installed
log message: "Caching outdated list on \"nikita:execute:outdated\"", level: 'INFO'
state['nikita:execute:outdated'] = config.outdated
$status: true
module.exports =
handler: handler
argument_to_config: 'name'
definitions: definitions
utils = require '@nikitajs/core/lib/utils'