Action "log.fs"
Write log to the host filesystem in a user provided format.
By default, a file name "{}.log" over SSH or "local.log" will be created inside the base directory defined by the option "basedir". The path looks like "{config.basedir}/{config.filename}.log".
If the option "archive" is activated, a folder named after the current time is created inside the base directory. A symbolic link named as "latest" will point this is direction. The paths look like "{config.basedir}/{time}/{config.filename}.log" and "{config.basedir}/latest".
on_action =
before: [
after: [
handler: ({config, ssh}) ->
# With ssh, filename contain the host or ip address
config.filename ?= "#{ssh?.config?.host or 'local'}.log"
# Log is always local
config.ssh = false
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Save a copy of the previous logs inside a dedicated directory.
type: 'string'
# default: './log'
description: '''
Directory where to store logs relative to the process working
directory. Default to the "log" directory. Note, when the `archive`
option is activated, the log files will be stored accessible from
type: 'string'
description: '''
Name of the log file. It could contain the directory path as well.
It defaults to `local.log` locally or `{hostname}.log` on a remote
type: 'object'
description: '''
An object of key value pairs where keys are the event types and the
value is a function which must be implemented to serialize the
required: ['serializer']
handler = ({config}) ->
# Normalization
logdir = path.dirname config.filename
logdir = path.resolve config.basedir, logdir if config.basedir
# Archive config
if config.archive
latestdir = path.resolve logdir, 'latest'
now = new Date()
config.archive = "#{now.getFullYear()}".slice(-2) + "0#{now.getFullYear()}".slice(-2) + "0#{now.getDate()}".slice(-2) if config.archive is true
logdir = path.resolve config.basedir, config.archive
await @fs.base.mkdir logdir, ssh: false
catch err
throw err unless err.code is 'NIKITA_FS_MKDIR_TARGET_EEXIST'
# Events ?= fs.createWriteStream path.resolve logdir, path.basename config.filename
await config
# Handle link to latest directory
await @fs.base.symlink
$if: latestdir
source: logdir
target: latestdir
module.exports =
handler: handler
on_action: on_action
definitions: definitions
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'