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Action "log.cli"

Write log to the host filesystem in a user provided format.

Example with the depth_max option

  colors: true,
  depth_max: 2
  metadata: { 
    header: 'Print my header'
}, function(){
    metadata: {
      header: 'Print sub header'
  }, function(){
      metadata: {
        header: 'Header not printed'
    }, function(){
      // do sth

Example with global config

.log.cli({ colors: true })
  metadata: {
    header: 'Print my header'
}, function(){
  // do sth

Schema definitions

definitions =
    type: 'object'
        oneOf: [
          type: 'boolean'
          type: 'object'
              typeof: 'function'
              description: 'Format the provided argument string on error.'
              typeof: 'function'
              description: 'Format the provided argument string when status is false.'
              typeof: 'function'
              description: 'Format the provided argument string when status is true.'
        description: '''
        Activate or desactivate color output. The default is to detect if
        there is a tty. For finer control, the formating function can be
        defined inside an object.
        type: ['boolean', 'number']
        default: false
        description: '''
        Disable logging after a provided depth where the depth correponds to
        the number of headers. It is desactivated by default with `false`.
        type: 'string'
        default: ' : '
        description: '''
        Separator between headers.
        type: 'boolean'
        default: true
        description: '''
        Activate or desactivate logging.
        $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/log/src/stream#/definitions/config/properties/end'
        default: false
        description: '''
        Close the stream when the Nikita session terminates. The default
        is to not close the stream for this action, in opposite to the default
        `` action, because the default stream is `process.stderr`
        which is expected to remain open.
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Hostname to display. When not defined, the default is to print the ssh
        hostname or IP or `local` when the action is executed locally.
        type: 'object'
        default: {}
        description: '''
        Width of the columns, unconstrained layout by default.
            type: 'integer'
            description: 'Width of the header column.'
            type: 'integer'
            description: 'Width of the host column.'
            type: 'integer'
            description: 'Width of the time column.'
        type: 'boolean'
        default: true
        description: '''
        Print the action execution time.
        oneOf: [
          type: 'string'
          type: 'object'
              type: 'integer'
              description: 'Separator for the host column.'
              type: 'integer'
              description: 'Separator for the header column.'
              type: 'integer'
              description: 'Separator for the time column.'
        default: {}
        description: '''
        Separator between columns. A string value apply the same separator
        while it is also possible to target a specific sperator per column
        by setting an object.
        $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/log/src/stream#/definitions/config/properties/serializer'
        default: {}
        description: '''
        Internal property, expose access to the serializer object passed
        to the `` action.
        $ref: 'module://@nikitajs/log/src/stream#/definitions/config/properties/stream'
        description: '''
        The writable stream where to print the logs, default to
  • stream (stream.Writable)

Global config can be alternatively set with the "log_cli" property.


handler = ({config, metadata, ssh, tools: {find}}) ->
  # Normalize ?= process.stderr
  config.separator = host: config.separator, header: config.separator if typeof config.separator is 'string' ?= unless then '   ' else ' '
  config.separator.header ?= unless config.pad.header? then '   ' else ' '
  config.separator.time ?= unless config.pad.time? then '  ' else ' '
  config.colors ?= process.stdout.isTTY
  config.colors = {
    status_false: colors.cyan.dim
  } if config.colors is true
  # Events
  ids = {}
  format_line = ({host, header, status, time}) ->
    host = pad host, if
    header = pad header, config.pad.header if config.pad.header
    time = pad time, config.pad.time if config.pad.time
      header, config.separator.header
      status, if config.time then config.separator.time else ''
    ].join ''
  serializer =
    'nikita:action:start': ({action}) ->
      return unless config.enabled
      headers = get_headers action
      return if config.depth_max and config.depth_max < headers.length
      ids[action.metadata.index] = action
    'nikita:resolved': ({action}) ->
      color = if config.colors
      then config.colors.status_true
      else false
      line = format_line
        host: or action.ssh?.config?.host or 'local'
        header: ''
        status: '♥'
        time: ''
      line = color line if color
      return line+'\n'
    'nikita:rejected': ({action, error}) ->
      color = if config.colors
      then config.colors.status_error
      else false
      line = format_line
        host: or action.ssh?.config?.host or 'local'
        header: ''
        status: '✘'
        time: ''
      line = color line if color
      return line+'\n'
    'nikita:action:end': ({action, error, output}) ->
      return unless action.metadata.header
      return if config.depth_max and config.depth_max < action.metadata.depth
      # TODO: I don't like this, the `end` event should receive raw output
      # with error not placed inside output by the history plugin
      error = error or action.metadata.relax and output.error
      status = if error then '✘' else if output?.$status and not action.metadata.shy then '✔' else '-'
      color = false
      if config.colors
        color = if error then config.colors.status_error
        else if output?.$status then config.colors.status_true
        else config.colors.status_false
      return null if action.metadata.disabled
      headers = get_headers action
      line = format_line
        host: or action.ssh?.config?.host or 'local'
        header: headers.join config.divider
        status: status
        time: if config.time then utils.string.print_time action.metadata.time_end - action.metadata.time_start else ''
      line = color line if color
      return line+'\n'
  config.serializer = merge serializer, config.serializer config


module.exports =
  ssh: false
  handler: handler
    argument_to_config: 'enabled'
    definitions: definitions


colors = require 'colors/safe'
{merge} = require 'mixme'
pad = require 'pad'
utils = require '@nikitajs/core/lib/utils'

get_headers = (action) ->
  walk = (parent) ->
    precious = parent.metadata.header
    results = []
    results.push precious unless precious is undefined
    results.push ...(walk parent.parent) if parent.parent
  headers = walk action
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