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Action "ldap.user"

Create and modify a user store inside an OpenLDAP server.


const {$status} = await nikita.ldap.user({
  uri: 'ldap://openldap.server/',
  binddn: 'cn=admin,cn=config',
  passwd: 'password',
  user: {}
})`User created or modified: ${$status}`)

Schema definitions

definitions =
    type: 'object'
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Distinguish name storing the "olcAccess" property, using the database
        address (eg: "olcDatabase={2}bdb,cn=config").
        oneOf: [
          type: 'object'
          type: 'array'
        description: '''
        User object.
      # General LDAP connection information
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Distinguished Name to bind to the LDAP directory.
        type: 'string'
        description: '''
        Password for simple authentication.
        oneOf: [
          {type: 'string'}
          {type: 'boolean', default: 'ldapi:///'}
        description: '''
        LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s), "ldapi:///" if true, default to
        false in which case it will use your openldap client environment


handler = ({config, tools: {log}}) ->
  # Auth related config
  # binddn = if config.binddn then "-D #{config.binddn}" else ''
  # passwd = if config.passwd then "-w #{config.passwd}" else ''
  # uri = if config.uri then "-H #{config.uri}" else '' # URI is obtained from local openldap conf unless provided
  # User related config
  # Note, very weird, if we don't merge, the user array is traversable but
  # the keys map to undefined values.
  config.user = [merge config.user] unless Array.isArray config.user
  modified = false
  for user in config.user
    # Add the user
    entry = {}
    for k, v of user
      continue if k is 'userPassword' and not /^\{SASL\}/.test user.userPassword
      entry[k] = user[k]
    {updated, added} = await @ldap.add
      entry: entry
      uri: config.uri
      binddn: config.binddn
      passwd: config.passwd
    if added then log message: "User added", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/ldap/user'
    else if updated then log message: "User updated", level: 'WARN', module: 'nikita/ldap/user'
    modified = true if updated or added
    # Check password is user is not new and his password is not of type SASL
    new_password = false
    if not added and user.userPassword and not /^\{SASL\}/.test user.userPassword
      {$status: loggedin} = await
        # See
        binddn: user.dn
        passwd: user.userPassword
        uri: config.uri
        base: ''
        scope: 'base'
        filter: 'objectclass=*'
        code: [0, 49]
      new_password = true unless loggedin
    if added or new_password and not /^\{SASL\}/.test user.userPassword
      await @execute
        command: [
          "-Y #{utils.string.escapeshellarg config.mesh}" if config.mesh
          "-D #{utils.string.escapeshellarg config.binddn}" if config.binddn
          "-w #{utils.string.escapeshellarg config.passwd}" if config.passwd
          "-H #{utils.string.escapeshellarg config.uri}" if config.uri
          "-s #{user.userPassword}"
          "#{utils.string.escapeshellarg user.dn}"
        ].join ' '
      log message: "Password modified", level: 'WARN'
      modified = true
  $status: modified


module.exports =
  handler: handler
    global: 'ldap'
    definitions: definitions


A user can modify it's own password with the "ldappasswd" command if ACL allows it. Here's an example:

ldappasswd -D cn=myself,ou=users,dc=ryba -w oldpassword \
  -H ldaps://master3.ryba:636 \
  -s newpassword 'cn=myself,ou=users,dc=ryba'


{merge} = require 'mixme'
utils = require './utils'
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