Action "krb5.addprinc"
Create a new Kerberos principal with a password or an optional keytab.
const {$status} = await nikita.krb5.addprinc({
admin: {
password: 'pass',
principal: 'me/admin@MY_REALM',
server: 'localhost'
keytab: '/etc/security/keytabs/my.service.keytab',
gid: 'myservice',
principal: 'myservice/my.fqdn@MY.REALM',
randkey: true,
uid: 'myservice'
})`Principal was created or modified: ${$status}`)
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/krb5/src/execute#/definitions/config/properties/admin'
type: 'string'
description: '''
Path to the file storing key entries.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Password associated to this principal.
type: 'boolean'
default: false
description: '''
Wether the password should be created if the principal already exists.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Principal to be created.
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Generate a random key.
required: ['admin', 'principal']
oneOf: [
{required: ['password']}
{required: ['randkey']}
handler = ({config}) ->
# Normalize realm and principal for later usage of config
config.admin.realm ?= config.admin.principal.split('@')[1] if /.*@.*/.test config.admin?.principal
config.principal = "#{config.principal}@#{config.admin.realm}" unless /^\S+@\S+$/.test config.principal
# Start execution
{$status} = await @krb5.execute
$shy: true
admin: config.admin
command: "getprinc #{config.principal}"
grep: new RegExp "^.*#{utils.regexp.escape config.principal}$"
unless $status
await @krb5.execute
$retry: 3
admin: config.admin
command: if config.password
then "addprinc -pw #{config.password} #{config.principal}"
else "addprinc -randkey #{config.principal}"
if config.password and config.password_sync
cache_name = "/tmp/nikita_#{Math.random()}" # Ticket cache location
await @krb5.execute
$retry: 3
# Test the user password
# On success, write the ticket to a temporary location before cleanup
$unless_execute: "if ! echo #{config.password} | kinit '#{config.principal}' -c '#{cache_name}'; then exit 1; else kdestroy -c '#{cache_name}'; fi"
admin: config.admin
command: "cpw -pw #{config.password} #{config.principal}"
return unless !!config.keytab
await @krb5.ktadd config
module.exports =
handler: handler
global: 'krb5'
definitions: definitions
utils = require '@nikitajs/core/lib/utils'
{mutate} = require 'mixme'