Action ""
Execute a docker command.
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
allOf: [
$ref: '#/definitions/docker'
type: ['boolean', 'string']
description: '''
Serialize the command into a file and execute it with bash.
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
typeof: 'function'
description: '''
String, Object or array; Command to execute. A value provided as a
function is interpreted as an action and will be called by forwarding
the config object. The result is the expected to be the command
to execute.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Current working directory from where to execute the command.
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/src/actions/execute#/definitions/config/properties/code'
default: {}
$ref: '#/definitions/docker'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/core/src/actions/execute#/definitions/config/properties/format'
required: ['command']
# Note, we can't use additionalProperties properties with anyOf for now,
# from the doc: "There are some proposals to address this in the next
# version of the JSON schema specification."
# additionalProperties: false
type: 'object'
description: '''
Isolate all the parent configuration properties into a docker
property, used when providing and cascading a docker configuration at
a global scale.
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
Use the `docker compose` (or `docker-compose`) command instead of
type: 'string'
description: '''
The value associated with the `DOCKER_HOST` environment variable,
for example `tcp://dind:2375`.
type: 'string'
format: 'hostname'
description: '''
Name of the docker-machine, required if using docker-machine.
type: 'object'
default: {}
description: '''
Options passed to the `docker` or `docker compose` command.
handler = ({config, tools: {find}}) ->
# Merge global config
config.docker = await find ({config: {docker}}) -> docker
config = merge config, config.docker
# Build Docker
config.opts = for option, value of config.opts
continue if value is null
value = 'true' if value is true
value = 'false' if value is false
if option in ['tlsverify'] then "--#{option}" else "--#{option}=#{value}"
config.opts = config.opts.join ' '
await @execute
code: config.code
format: config.format
trap: true
command: [
if config.docker_host
export DOCKER_HOST=#{config.docker_host}
if config.machine
if command -v docker-machine ; then echo 1; fi
machine='#{config.machine or ''}'
if [ -z "#{config.machine or ''}" ]; then exit 5; fi
if docker-machine status "${machine}" | egrep 'Stopped|Saved'; then
docker-machine start "${machine}";
eval "$(docker-machine env ${machine})"
if config.compose
bin=`command -v docker-compose >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "docker-compose $opts" || echo "docker $opts compose"`
$bin #{config.command}
"docker #{config.opts} #{config.command}"
].join '\n'
catch err
throw Error err.stderr.trim() if utils.string.lines(err.stderr.trim()).length is 1
throw Error err.stderr.trim().replace 'Error response from daemon: ', '' if /^Error response from daemon/.test err.stderr
module.exports =
handler: handler
argument_to_config: 'command'
definitions: definitions
utils = require '../utils'
{merge} = require 'mixme'