Action "tools.rubygems.remove"
Remove a Ruby gem.
Ruby Gems package a ruby library with a common layout. Inside gems are the following components:
- Code (including tests and supporting utilities)
- Documentation
- gemspec
Indicate if a gem was removed.
Ruby behavior
Ruby place global gems inside "/usr/share/gems/gems" and user gems are by default installed inside "/usr/local/share/gems".
Any attempt to remove a gem installed globally and not in the user repository will result with the error "{gem} is not installed in GEM_HOME, try: gem uninstall -i /usr/share/gems json"
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
type: 'string'
default: 'gem'
description: '''
Path to the gem command.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Name of the gem, required.
type: 'string'
description: '''
Version of the gem.
required: ['name']
handler = ({config}) ->
# Global config
config.ruby ?= {}
config[k] ?= v for k, v of config.ruby
config.gem_bin ?= 'gem'
version = if config.version then "-v #{config.version}" else '-a'
gems = null
await @execute
command: """
#{config.gem_bin} list -i #{} || exit 3
#{config.gem_bin} uninstall #{} #{version}
code: [0, 3]
bash: config.bash
module.exports =
handler: handler
global: 'ruby'
definitions: definitions