Action "tools.cron.add"
Register a job on crontab.
const {$status} = await nikita.cron.add({
command: 'kinit service/my.fqdn@MY.REALM -kt /etc/security/service.keytab',
when: '0 */9 * * *',
user: 'service'
})`Cron entry created or modified: ${$status}`)
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
type: 'string'
minLength: 1
description: '''
The shell command of the job.
type: 'boolean'
description: '''
If true, then command will be executed just after if added to crontab.
oneOf: [
type: 'string'
instanceof: 'RegExp'
description: '''
The cron entry to match, a string will be converted to a regexp and an
undefined or null value will match the exact command.
type: 'string'
description: '''
The user of the crontab. The SSH user by default.
type: 'string'
pattern: '^(@(annually|yearly|monthly|weekly|daily|hourly|reboot))|(@every (\\d+(ns|us|µs|ms|s|m|h))+)|((((\\d+,)+\\d+|(\\d+(\\/|-)\\d+)|\\d+|\\*) ?){5,7})$'
# noBooleanCoercion: true
# noNumberCoercion: true
description: '''
Cron-styled time string. Defines the frequency of the cron job.
required: ['command', 'when']
handler = ({config, tools: {log}}) ->
if config.user?
log message: "Using user #{config.user}", level: 'DEBUG'
crontab = "crontab -u #{config.user}"
log message: "Using default user", level: 'DEBUG'
crontab = "crontab"
jobs = []
{stdout} = await @execute
command: "#{crontab} -l"
code: [0, 1]
new_job = "#{config.when} #{config.command}"
# remove useless last element
regex =
unless config.match then new RegExp ".* #{utils.regexp.escape config.command}"
else if typeof config.match is 'string' then new RegExp config.match
else if util.isRegExp config.match then config.match
else throw Error "Invalid option 'match'"
added = true
jobs = for job, i in utils.string.lines stdout.trim()
if regex.test job
added = false
break if job is new_job # Found job, stop here
log message: "Entry has changed", level: 'WARN'
utils.diff job, new_job, config
job = new_job
modified = true
continue unless job
if added
jobs.push new_job
log message: "Job not found in crontab, adding", level: 'WARN'
jobs = null unless added or modified
return $status: false unless jobs
if config.exec
await @execute
command: if config.user? then "su -l #{config.user} -c '#{config.command}'" else config.command
await @execute
command: """
#{crontab} - <<EOF
#{if jobs then jobs.join '\n', '\nEOF' else 'EOF'}
module.exports =
handler: handler
definitions: definitions
util = require 'util'
utils = require '../utils'