Action "db.database"
Create a database inside the destination datababse server.
Create database example
const {$status} = await nikita.database.db({
admin_username: 'test',
admin_password: 'test',
database: 'my_db',
})`Database created or modified: ${$status}`)
Schema definitions
definitions =
type: 'object'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/db/src/query#/definitions/config/properties/admin_username'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/db/src/query#/definitions/config/properties/admin_password'
type: 'string'
description: '''
The name of the database to create.
type: 'array'
items: type: 'string'
description: '''
This users who will be granted superuser permissions.
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/db/src/query#/definitions/config/properties/engine'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/db/src/query#/definitions/config/properties/host'
$ref: 'module://@nikitajs/db/src/query#/definitions/config/properties/port'
required: ['admin_username', 'admin_password', 'database', 'engine', 'host']
handler = ({config, tools: {log}}) ->
config.user ?= []
config.user = [config.user] if typeof config.user is 'string'
# Defines and check the engine type
config.engine = config.engine.toLowerCase()
log message: "Database engine set to #{config.engine}", level: 'DEBUG'
# Create database unless exist
log message: "Check if database #{config.database} exists", level: 'DEBUG'
switch config.engine
when 'mariadb', 'mysql'
config.character_set ?= 'latin1' # MySQL default
switch config.character_set
when 'latin1' then config.collation ?= 'latin1_swedish_ci' # MySQL default
when 'utf8' then config.collation ?= 'utf8_general_ci'
command_database_create = db.command config, database: null, [
"CREATE DATABASE #{config.database}"
"DEFAULT CHARACTER SET #{config.character_set}"
"DEFAULT COLLATE #{config.collation}" if config.collation
].join ' '
when 'postgresql'
command_database_create = db.command config, database: null, "CREATE DATABASE #{config.database};"
# Create the database if it does not exists
{exists} = await @db.database.exists config
unless exists
await @execute
command: command_database_create
log message: "Database created: #{JSON.stringify config.database}", level: 'WARN'
# Associate users to the database
for user in config.user
log message: "Check if user #{user} has PRIVILEGES on #{config.database} ", level: 'DEBUG'
{exists} = await @db.user.exists config,
username: user
throw Error "DB user does not exists: #{user}" unless exists
switch config.engine
when 'mariadb', 'mysql'
# command_has_privileges = db.command config, admin_username: null, username: user.username, password: user.password, database: config.database, "SHOW TABLES FROM pg_database"
command_has_privileges = db.command(config, database: 'mysql', "SELECT user FROM db WHERE db='#{config.database}';") + " | grep '#{user}'"
command_grant_privileges = db.command config, database: null, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON #{config.database}.* TO '#{user}' WITH GRANT OPTION;" # FLUSH PRIVILEGES
when 'postgresql'
command_has_privileges = db.command(config, database: config.database, "\\l") + " | egrep '^#{user}='"
command_grant_privileges = db.command config, database: null, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE #{config.database} TO #{user}"
{$status} = await @execute
command: """
if #{command_has_privileges}; then
echo '[INFO] User already with privileges'
exit 3
echo '[WARN] User privileges granted'
code: [0, 3]
log message: "Privileges granted: to #{JSON.stringify user} on #{JSON.stringify config.database}", level: 'WARN' if $status
module.exports =
handler: handler
argument_to_config: 'database'
global: 'db'
definitions: definitions
{db} = require '../utils'