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Action ""

Expose disk information. Internally, it parse the result of the "df" command. The properties "total", "used" and "available" are expressed in bytes.


The action rely on the df command and the presence of the --output option.

Tests are filtered with the system_info_disks tag.


The following properties are available:

  • filesystem (string)
    The source of the mount point, usually a device; alias of the "source" property of the df command.
  • total (integer)
    Total space available in bytes; derivated from the "itotal" output property of the df command.
  • used (integer)
    Total space used in bytes; derivated from the "iused" output property of the df command.
  • available (integer)
    Total space available in bytes; derivated from the "iavail" output property of the df command.
  • available_pourcent (string)
    Total space available in pourcentage; alias of the "ipcent" output property of the df command.
  • mountpoint (string) The mount point location; alias of the "target" output property of the df command.

Additionnaly, the df property export the low level information obtained from the df command:

  • disks[].df.source (string)
    The source of the mount point, usually a device; correspond to the "Filesystem" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.fstype (string)
    File system type; correspond to the "Type" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.itotal (integer)
    Total number of inodes, in bytes; correspond to the "Inodes" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.iused (integer)
    Number of used inodes, in bytes; correspond to the "IUsed" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.iavail (integer)
    Number of available inodes, in bytes; correspond to the "IFree" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.ipcent (string)
    Percentage of iused divided by itotal; correspond to the "IUse%" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.size (integer)
    The total space available, measured in 1kB units; correspond to the "1K-blocks" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.used (integer)
    Number of used blocks; correspond to the "Used" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.avail (integer)
    Number of available blocks; correspond to the "Avail" header of the df command.
  • disks[].df.pcent (float)
    Percentage of used divided by size; correspond to the "Use%" header of the df command.
  • disks[] (string)
    The mount point; correspond to the "Mounted on" header of the df command.

Note that if you add The Used and Available columns you don't get the total size shown; this is because of blocks that are reserved for root as shown in the output of dumpe2fs as "Reserved block count:". Those blocks can only be used by root, the idea behind this is that if a user fills up the filesystem, critical stuff still works and root can fix the problem.


const {disks} = await
disks.forEach((disk) => {'File system:', disk.filesystem)'Total space:','Used space:', disk.used)'Available space:', disk.available)'Available space (pourcent):', disk.available_pourcent)'Mountpoint:', disk.mountpoint)

Here is how the output may look like:

[ { filesystem: '/dev/sda1',
    total: '8255928',
    used: '1683700',
    available: '6152852',
    available_pourcent: '22%',
    mountpoint: '/' },
  { filesystem: 'tmpfs',
    total: '961240',
    used: '0',
    available: '961240',
    available_pourcent: '0%',
    mountpoint: '/dev/shm' } ]

Schema definitions

definitions =
    type: 'object'
        type: 'array'
        default: [
          'source', 'fstype', 'itotal', 'iused', 'iavail', 'ipcent', 'size',
          'used', 'avail', 'pcent', 'target'
          type: 'string'
          enum: [ #todo use and test $ref /properties/output/default
            'source', 'fstype', 'itotal', 'iused', 'iavail', 'ipcent', 'size',
            'used', 'avail', 'pcent', 'target'
        description: '''
        The list of properties to be returned, default to all of them.


handler = ({config}, callback) ->
  {stdout} = await @execute
    command: "df --output='#{config.output.join ','}'"
  disks = for line, i in utils.string.lines stdout
    continue if i is 0
    continue if /^\s*$/.test line
    line = line.split /\s+/
    disk = {df: {}}
    for property, i in config.output
      disk.df[property] = line[i]
    disk.filesystem = disk.df.source = disk.df.itotal * 1024
    disk.used = disk.df.iused * 1024
    disk.available = disk.df.avail * 1024
    disk.available_pourcent = disk.df.pcent
    disk.mountpoint =
  disks: disks


module.exports =
  handler: handler
    definitions: definitions
    shy: true


utils = require '../utils'
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